Title: Juice With a Twist
Awareness Campaign

Client NYU Advertising Campaigns, Spring 2018

Role Conception, Art Direction

About Pressed Juice opened their first location with their signature Freeze soft serve in New York City in 2016 and nobody noticed. For this pitch we built an awareness campaign around their existing Freeze slogan, “juice with a twist” so New Yorkers can find what they never knew they needed to get through the hot Summer months (and winter cravings).

Assignment To find a weak spot in one of our favorite brand’s marketing initiatives & build a campaign that fills that void.

Pressed’s marketing lies mostly in people trying their juice, as they really believe that once they have tried it, they will come back. That being said, they don’t specifically advertise their Freeze as much as their cleanses and single bottled juices.

Current ad efforts and strategies for Pressed’s product line include email blasts, word-of-mouth, promotions/free samples, & membership perks.

Creative Concept Capitalize on the existing slogan “juice with a twist” to build awareness of Pressed Freeze through a seasonal Freeze Truck, special limited-time flavor, collectable enamel pins, OOH event advertising, and influence participation.

Mentor Katherine Fallon

Team Kaiwen Huang + Lauren Craighead

*full deck available upon request*